The Twitter logo is seen on various devices produced with an in camera multiple exposure. The company reported that in the first quarter of 2017 its monthly active users has grown by 6 percent after having had stagnant results for several consecutive quarters. (Photo by Jaap Arriens/NurPhoto)

Meanwhile in Florida: Woman Sentenced After Pulling Alligator Out of Her Pants

Florida has to be the funnest place on earth because there always seems to be a crazy person running around doing something that shouldn’t surprise us by now. The latest is a woman who was sentenced after being arrested for pulling an alligator out of her yoga pants. Ariel Machan-Le Quire, 25, was taken into custody after she tried to conceal an alligator, among other things, in her clothing. She was booked on possession of a wild animal and was recently sentenced to probation, including 200 hours of community service and an order to donate $500 to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Committee. At the time of her arrest, she also had a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles backpack filled with, you guessed it, turtles. At least she’s being on-brand.

Photo: Gerard Fritz (Getty Images)

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