
Meanwhile in Airline Travel: Raw Poultry Makes the Rounds on Baggage Claim Carousel (Who Knew Chickens Could Fly?)

People bring the strangest things with them on planes. But the latest item to show up on a baggage carousel defies explanation. In fact, it’ll have you saying, “What the cluck?!”

It’s a suitcase-sized cube of raw chicken. The poultry parts, which apparently froze together during the flight, slid onto the baggage claim carousel at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport recently. The approximately dozen chickens made the rounds on the carousel – and of course someone filmed their salmonella-spreading journey.


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The Transportation Security Administration used the viral video as a teachable moment, instructing followers on how to properly package their fowl for air travel.

“There is a personal fowl on the carousel…” the TSA captioned the video. “Can chickens fly? Well… assuredly no poultry is flying like this. We hear at one time these wings and thighs were cooped up in a cooler. Somewhere between baggage and the carousel they became free range.”

The agency continued: “Don’t wing your travel packing. In order to keep from ruffling any feathers meat should be properly packaged. Ice or dry ice is permitted to keep the flock chilled. If you are pecking around the internet for travel tidbits, nest time reach out to our hens and roosters at #AskTSA. They’ll take your raw travel questions and cook out an egg-cellent answer.”

Who knew that 1) the TSA had a sense of humor? And 2) traveling with raw chicken is kosher? Last we checked, chickens can’t fly – and they shouldn’t be allowed on airplanes, either.

Cover Photo: YouTube