coronavirus semen

Coronavirus Found in Semen, Goodbye to Whatever Sex Life You Had Left

Just when we thought sex was safe (as long as you followed certain guidelines), coronavirus cockblocked us. In the worst news to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic recently, Chinese researchers have discovered the deadly virus in men’s semen, raising questions about whether the disease can be transmitted sexually.

Of 38 male patients tested at Shangqiu Municipal Hospital during the pandemic’s peak in China, 16 percent had evidence of the ‘rona in their jizz. This was true whether they were in the acute or recovery stage of the virus. Similar viruses, like Ebola and Zika, have been found living in the male reproductive tract, so this isn’t a complete surprise. But it does complicate the understanding of if and how coronavirus can be spread through spunk.

So what does this mean for your horndog self during quarantine? If you’re lucky enough to be getting laid, at the very least, you should use condoms. (Really, you should do this to protect you and your partner from STIs anyway, even if there weren’t a pandemic happening.) If you or your partner has tested positive for COVID-19, the smartest thing to do is (groan) give up sex and stay abstinent until more information becomes available. No sex is so good it’s worth dying for…right?

Cover Photo: Westend61 (Getty Images)

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Help Prevent the Spread of the Coronavirus

Visit the Centers for Disease Control at or the World Health Organization at for the latest information on the coronavirus and learn what you can do to stop the spread.

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