
Gaming Is Making Quarantine Bearable, Study Shows Reality Isn’t an Option Anymore

There are only so many ways to pass the quarantine time. If you’ve been using video games to get you through, you’re not alone. A new Gamblers Pick survey of 1,000 gamers practicing social distancing revealed that video games just might be the perfect coping mechanism during the coronavirus pandemic. (As if you needed more motivation to play.) Not only are gamers improving their playing skills, they’re using the medium to socialize safely. There aren’t many other ways to do that right now.

Survey respondents reported an average of 15 hours per week spent playing video games during quarantine. Almost a third spent over 20 hours gaming. Evening was the most popular time for gameplay, with 43.6 percent of people logging on between 5 and 10 p.m. A naughty 35.5 percent, however, played while working from home. (Ahem.)

A majority of gamers (77 percent) said that gaming made social distancing easier and over 73 percent said that video games made social distancing more enjoyable. Almost as many (68 percent) cited a reduction in COVID-19-related stress thanks to gaming and half of gamers said playing video games kept their attention off the unstoppable stream of bad news.

While there’s a stereotype of gamers being loners, this study found that it’s simply not true. Over 46 percent of gamers have met up with friends in video games during quarantine. More than half (55 percent) recreated real-life events, like birthdays, baby showers, and weddings through online games. A bold 8 percent had even gone on a date in a video game during the pandemic!

Looking to get in on the quarantine gaming phenomenon? The best games to lower stress are reportedly Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Minecraft, and the Mario Kart series. Other recommended series to play include Super Mario Bros., Call of Duty, The Legend of Zelda, and Fortnite.

With the indefinite timeline of social distance stretching out before us, now is the time to get deep into gaming and all the distraction it has to offer. Don’t worry; reality will still be there waiting to slap you upside the head when you log off.

Cover Photo: blackCAT (Getty Images)

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