Christmas tree

Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Is as Beaten Down by 2020 as the Rest of Us

2020 has been rough on all of us. It’s a miracle that we made it out alive. (Maybe we shouldn’t even say that yet. There’s still a little over a month to go…) We’re not the only ones struggling to stay upright and properly groomed. This year’s Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree is showing wear and tear from the worst year ever, too.

In a reveal that should have been set to the Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack, the 75-foot Norway Spruce basically raised its branches to the sky, said, “Fuck this,” and dropped a substantial amount of needles. It looked like a balding, middle-aged man who didn’t even bother to attempt a combover.

Of course Twitter had a field day with this disappointing holiday display.

The corporate overlord of Rockefeller Center, Rob Speyer, tried to spin the lackluster yuletide symbol this way: “The Rockefeller Center Christmas tree always represents the holiday season, but it has also stood tall as a symbol of hope, resilience, and New York’s enduring spirit, from the Great Depression to 9/11, Superstorm Sandy through today,” he said. “2020 has been a difficult year, but New Yorkers have persevered, and we are determined to come back better and stronger. We are particularly proud to continue the joyous tradition this year.”

It really is a shame because given the shitty year we’ve had, we could all use extra Christmas cheer this year. Instead, we’re getting a bare-bones tree and Zoom get-togethers. Santa can’t even come to visit us per coronavirus travel guidelines.

As one Twitter user pointed out, maybe it’s for the best.

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