April fools

April Fools’ Cancelled: No Joke or Prank Deemed Good Enough to Match Oddity of Real Life

The silver lining to all this coronavirus business: Things couldn’t get much weirder (we think), which is why April Fools’ Day has been cancelled. Or at least postponed with the rest of humanity.

This is no joke. Actually, it’s kind of nice not having to react to office pranks, fake pregnancies or dad jokes that break up the family until Christmas. Instead of whoopee cushions or fart machine this year, we’re just going to give you these ridiculous tweets and say see you next year. Just another missing misappropriated holiday. But if you’re looking for weird, strange or downright hilarious news, we’ve got plenty of actual fucked-up life stories below:

Quaran-Tweet: 20 Hilarious Tweets From Comedians to Keep You Laughing Through Coronavirus

Father John Misty Releases ‘Off-Key in Hamburg’ Live Album For COVID-19 Support, Currently God’s Favorite Musician

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