New ‘Walking Dead’ Series Announced, AMC Refuses to Kill Themselves Off

Despite The Walking Dead comic series ending, AMC somehow sees that as a green light to create yet another spinoff TV series we don’t care about. We already don’t care about the original series anymore, one which wrote off Andrew Lincoln’s Rick Grimes to make “TWD” movies for theater release (which we also don’t care about). Why on Earth would we put ourselves through this a third time after failing to get on board with Fear the Walking Dead? The spring 2020 series was recently announced on the coattails of the season 10 trailer for The Walking Dead, which (surprise!) is writing off more of its biggest cast members. The only character AMC has left to kill off, the most essential of all, is themselves. Let it go, guys, you had a good run.

Dead or alive?: Did Season 9 of ‘The Walking Dead’ Put the Series Back on Track?