Absurd Bird of the Year: Mac & Cheese Turkey Sweeps Nation of Stuffed Colons This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving brings lots of unexpected surprises for such a traditional holiday, but none is more surprising than this year’s absurd bird: Mac & Cheese Turkey. Stay with us here, this isn’t your ordinary bird. Essentially, Reynolds Wrap comes up with these new and clever ways to serve up your bird each year (last year was Flamin’ Hot Cheeto Turkey), but the latest is essentially a beautifully cooked turkey basted with the artificial cheese powder from a mac & cheese box, wrapped in — you guessed it — Reynolds Wrap to keep from overcooking the outside, then served on a bed of macaroni noodles. Sounds like a colon stuffer, sure, but it actually beats the Mountain Dew-brined they tried in the past. But you can totally sign us up for the Cool Ranch Dorito Turkey of Thanksgiving past. It’s the gastric obstruction that keeps on giving the whole year through.

Photo: ReynoldsKitchens.com

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