Mandatory Moments weekly highlights

Mandatory Moments: Weekly Highlights For 2-22-2019

Photo: Tony Garcia (Getty Images)

What a week it has been. Even with President’s Day to pad the beginning of the week, we all deserve a cold one today. Before you head off to your favorite weekend stomping grounds or zip away to the nearest mountain retreat, take a moment to reflect on all of the events of the past week.

From Bernie announcing his presidential run to Ja Rule hitting the club scene post-Fyre disaster, Mandatory Moments has all the news that’s fit to skim as you wait for the bartender to return with your happy hour cocktails. Oh yeah, and Oscar madness awaits. Bon voyage and happy hunting!

And the award goes to: Mandatory’s Academy Awards 2019 Playlist is Oscar Gold

If you missed last week: Mandatory Moments: Weekly Highlights For 2-15-2009

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