celebrity chefs

8 Celebrity Chefs Teach You How to Cook Basic in the Best Way During Lockdown

Even if you’re working from home due to the coronavirus outbreak, you probably have a ton of free time on your hands. You’ve already played every board game in your house, you’ve spent more time reading than you did when you were in school, and you’ve watched every single TV show and movie you’ve been meaning to catch up on. Now what? Well, you can learn how to garden (boring), attempt to finish the New York Times crossword puzzle, or you can stare blankly out the window at the blooming spring that you’re not really allowed to be a part of. There is one more option. You can finally learn how to cook.

And no, we’re not talking about boiling water and throwing pasta in or the fine, delicate art of toasting bread. We’re talking about learning a handful of legit recipes to impress whoever else is stuck quarantined with you whether it’s roommates, your parents, or your significant other. We don’t care. Everyone has to eat. The best way to learn (without wasting all your supplies) is by watching some of your favorite celebrity chefs on YouTube. Check them all out below.

Photo: Youtube.com/BingingWithBabish

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Soul food: Cambridge, Massachusetts Mayor Pays Local Restaurants to Feed the Homeless

Help Prevent the Spread of the Coronavirus

Visit the Centers for Disease Control at CDC.gov or the World Health Organization at Who.int for the latest information on the coronavirus and learn what you can do to stop the spread.

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