A Super Old Couple Busted With 60 Pounds Of Weed In Their Truck Told Police It Was For Christmas Presents

Photo: gvictoria (Getty)

My grandma had something like 37 grandchildren, so I can’t knock her for only giving me ten bucks every Christmas. In fact, when you crunch the numbers and take into consideration what she was bringing home every month in Social Security, it’s a goddamn miracle that we all got that much from her.

With that being said, these two geezers from California who told police the 60 pounds of weed they found in their truck was for Christmas presents have to be the greatest grandparents in the history of mankind.

Photo: Patrick Jiron/York County Sheriff’s Department

According to UPI, 80-year-old Patrick Jiron and 83-year-old Barbara Jiron were on their way from Clearlake Oaks, California to Vermont when they got pulled over by Nebraska’s finest somewhere in York Country for failing to use a turn signal. Naturally with 60 pounds of the sticky icky onboard, their truck smelled like a Snoop Dogg concert, and the officers immediately grew suspicious that the elderly couple had some marijuana in their possession.

That some turned out to be a shitload, as a quick search of the pickup topper on the couple’s Toyota Tacoma yielded a few boxes with 60 pounds of pot inside. Of course, a couple of old people cruising around with enough herb to get the whole state of Nebraska fucked up is a good story on its own, but the reason the couple gave police for having that much of the good shit in their possession makes this story a great one.

Photo: York County Sheriff’s Department

“They said the marijuana was for Christmas presents,” Lt. Paul Vrbka of the York County Sheriff’s Department said.

Vrbka added the pot had a street value of around $336,000 and said the couple was charged with “felony suspicion of possession of marijuana with intent to deliver and no drug tax stamp.”

Let’s hope all of the grandkids pool together their college savings and bail their amazing grandparents out of jail in time for the holidays.

UPDATE: It has been clarified since this story broke that Barbara Jiron is actually 70 years old, and was only cited in the case but not jailed “due to some medical issues.”

Just don’t plug it in and smoke it: Get The Weed Lover In Your Life This Christmas Tree Made From Pot Leaves


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