Jake Paul Puts Up Money For Another Trending Celebrity Fight, Anything to Distract People From the Fact He’s Jake Paul

Jake Paul doesn’t have much to talk about these days. The YouTube bro – and all-around contender for douchebag of the decade – has taken to unironically wearing Make Boxing Great Again hats. This explains why his new favorite hobby is challenging celebrities (far more famous than he is) to fight each other in the arena of public spectacle.

Paul recently made headlines for offering $60 million to Kanye West and Pete Davidson to duke it out in the ring (despite Mandatory already predicting with laser-beam accuracy who would win that fight). With that offer quietly rebuked via a non-response from either party, Paul is now setting his sights on the hottest beef in Hollywood: Smith v. Rock.

Rapid tweeting his brain jelly, Paul put up $15 million apiece for Will Smith and Chris Rock to settle their differences using good old-fashioned violence. Sadly, Paul 100 percent thinks people will do anything for money. He also doesn’t get that celebrity fights are only worth watching when they happen spontaneously in the parking lot of a Denny’s.

With a net worth rumored to be less than $30 million, wherever Paul is getting his bankroll from isn’t clear. But he’s definitely the creepy dude from your neighborhood growing up who kept butting into games of tag to challenge the kids to jump off a roof. And just like back then, we’re all trying our best to ignore him.

Cover Photo: Warren Little (Getty Images)