Lady Gaga Is Playing Amy Winehouse In A Movie

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Lady Gaga respected Amy Winehouse so much that she wanted Amy’s body to still be warm while she pissed on it with studio executives. Pretty touching really. Daily Star reports:

LADY GaGa is in secret talks to play Amy Winehouse in a film about the singer’s tragic life. Hollywood movie moguls want to capitalise on the global outpouring of grief following her death on July 23. LA producers think outrageous pop phenomenon GaGa would be perfect in the starring role. A Hollywood insider said: “Lady GaGa worshipped Amy and would love nothing more than to transform herself into her idol on the big screen. “She’d be spot on performing Amy’s songs and has got the right look and bolshy attitude.” “GaGa’s been itching to make the transition from music into movies and sees this as the ideal role to launch her film career.”

Man, I can’t wait to see this movie. Lady Gaga does such a fantastic pretending to be Madonna, David Bowie, and Grace Jones on stage, I bet she’ll be great pretending to be Amy Winehouse on film.