Which Country Has the Sexiest Women and Men?

The people have spoken, and the world’s sexiest countries have been decided upon. 

Travel site MissTravel.com held a survey in order to find out which country was home to the sexiest men and women, with Australia and Brazil topping the rankings. 

The survey revealed that Australian men and Brazilian women are deemed the hottest on Earth. See the full results below:


The Sexiest Men on Earth

10. Dutch

9. Canadian

8. Brazilian

7. Irish

6. American

5. Spanish

4. Scottish

3. British

2. Italian

1. Australian


The Sexiest Women on Earth

10. Canadian

9. South African

8. Bulgarian

7. Australian

6. Spanish

5. Filipina

4. British

3. Colombian 

2. Russian

1. Brazilian


MissTravel seems to have got British people confused with English people, as Britain is composed of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It’s also interesting to note that American women do not chart anywhere on the female list, though American men come in at number 6 on the male list. Italian women are also notably absent, which anyone who has ever visited Rome will likely strongly disagree with.

Photo: Getty Images