So A ‘Sex Doll’ Brothel Has Opened In Spain For All Your Silicone Fantasies

Photo: Lumi Dolls

If you weren’t into the blow job cafe that was opening in London, perhaps you will be a bigger fan of this sex doll brothel. You know, it’s like any other brothel out there but without actual humans.

Photo: Lumi Dolls

The brothel, which is now opened in Barcelona, is claiming to be the first type of brothel in Europe that is all about sex with a doll. And it’s for men or women, so everyone is invited to join in the festivities. The makers behind this brothel, Lumi Dolls, reveal that customers will have low lighting in their room, candles and TV screens to watch porn. Oh boy. And if you’re interested, it’s going to run you up to about $125 per hour to spend with these rad dolls.

For now there are only four silicone dolls to choose from, but the brothel promises that they will be cleaned and disinfected after each use. I would hate to be the person in charge of having to do that, that is for sure.

Photo: Lumi Dolls

Customers will be able to choose from an Asian gal, an African-American, a blonde and a gal with blue hair. But remember, they are just dolls.

Customers do have to wear a condom, but they are able to ask in advance for their doll to wear a special outfit or be put in a certain position. Hot.

Photo: Lumi Dolls

The brothel, which allows couples to take part in the fun as well, is already booked up, so it seems those folks out in Spain are really looking forward to flopping around with some naked dolls.

Now that’s a good time.

h/t Daily Mail

More sex dolls: Check Out This Important Video Of A Woman Describing What It’s Like To Have Sex With A Male Sex Doll