Survey Says One-Fourth Of Porn Watchers Are Women

That. Is. Awesome.

According to the Daily Mail, 24 percent of smut viewers on PornHub these days are women, and experts think the success of “50 Shades of Grey” is the big reason why.

Most of the women watching skin flicks are under the age of 35, and the majority of them are taking in the action on their smartphones. PornHub’s traffic and analytics data also revealed that the biggest porn-viewing day for the ladies is Monday, while Saturday is the least popular day to double-click their own mouse, and that’s because Saturdays are when most women are out to get themselves a taste of the real thing.

Both men and women under the age of 35 account for more than 60 percent of what PornHub claims to be “78 million views of its videos.” Most of those users live in the U.S. and Canada, but more people are cranking it to PornHub videos in England than anywhere else in Europe, with more than one million of them estimated to be addicted to doing so.

In fact, one out of every three clients at Quit Porn Addiction are said to be women, and that just might be one of the hottest things ever.

This is still the greatest survey of all time: Survey Suggests Women Scissoring Each Other Happens in Real Life Too


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