open relationship

How To Tell Your Girlfriend You Want To See Other People (But Also Her)

In every man’s life, there comes a time when you meet the woman you want to be with forever. If not forever, at least the rest of the year. However, after all the getting-to-know-yous and learning how to coexist, there are things you’re forced to learn about yourself. Like how you’re actually polyamorous (aka ethnically non-monogamous). If you’re in a relationship with someone, how do you tell them you still love them, but also want to love other people, too? Here’s our step-by-step guide to courting your partner into an open relationship.

Photo: Vladimir Vladimirov (Getty Images)

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When you wanted to open your relationship, what did you do? Or are you currently considering ethical non-monogamy? Let us know your experiences in the comments!

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