Melbourne Man Rattles Internet With Hipster Meal At The Footy

The internet has marked Sunday, 13th August down in history as the day that Melbourne reached peak hipster, after a bucket hat-wearing Demons fan was snapped at yesterday’s AFL clash with St Kilda snacking on… wait for it… a charcuterie board.

Image Via Reddit

Yep. As if sipping lattes out of avocado shells wasn’t avant-garde enough, it seems the inhabitants of Australia’s cultural capital are now turfing the the time-honoured culinary staples of meat pies and watered-down beer at the footy to BYO their own gourmet spreads of exotic cheeses, cured meats and antipasto platters.

Naturally, the internet had a lot to say:

The bucket-hat wearing culprit was also snapped next to a Tweed-clad gentleman with a feather in his cap.

Oh, Melbourne. You keep doing you.