18 Business Trip Hook Up Confessions That Will Make You Think Twice About Your Partner’s Next Trip

Photo: Hinterhaus Productions (Getty)

Plenty of people have to go out of town for work, and for most people it is a time to get away from the norm for a while and just be to yourself, all while getting your work done in another state or country. But for others it is a time where sex occurs between them and a coworker, a boss or just some stranger they met on their travels. And thanks to Whisper, we now get to know all about some of those confessions.

While Whisper brought us confessions of people who slept with their friend’s parents, as well as stories of dudes who got harsh revenge on their cheating partner, we now have these steamy confessions. Take a look at them below.

18 Business Trip Hook Up Confessions That Will Make You Think Twice About Your Partner’s Next Trip


















Now of course this doesn’t always happen, but now when your partner is packing their bag and ready to head out the door for another one of their business trips, you may have a little thought in the back of your head, right? Or you will just take this as some peace and quiet time for yourself. Whatever works.

And now go ahead and check out these confessions: 13 Dark Confessions From Cheating Spouses