Atlanta Man Confronts Car Owner With Handgun, Car Owner Responds With His AK-47

How do you like them apples?

Some dick in Atlanta recently approached a man at a gas station as he made his way back to his car. Words were exchanged, and the dick tried to show that he meant business by displaying his 9mm handgun.

Without as much as a flinch, the car owner continued to walk away from the dick before reaching into his ride and pulling out…wait for it…his AK-47.

Oh, well allow me to retort.

If the video looks familiar, it’s probably because you’ve already seen the Australian version:

h/t MediaTakeOut

Somebody call police because he’s got a gun! Oh wait, it’s just a Terminator cutout: Toronto Cops Respond To Report Of Guy With Gun, Discover It To Be Just A Terminator Cutout