Mob Of Idiots Kills Dolphin For Selfies

Photo: Mike Hill (Getty)

Every day we discover more examples of how too many people are total idiots, and this case is yet another.

A mob of assholes near an Argentine resort snatched a baby dolphin from the waters only to pass it around in order to get a selfie. The dolphin unfortunately died as it was manhandled and its well-being was completely disregarded by the idiots.

“At least one of these dolphins suffered a horrific, traumatic and utterly unnecessary death, for the sake of a few photographs,” a spokesperson from World Animal Protection said. “This terribly unfortunate event is an example of the casual cruelty people can inflict when they use animals for entertainment purposes.”

Otro animal inofensivo es víctima de los humanos, a este delfín del plata bebe, especie en peligro de extinción, lo sacaron del agua para sacarle fotos y tocarlo. Solo a personas con muy poca educación o totalmente inepta se le necesita decir que el delfín es un animal marino y que necesita agua para vivir. La ignorancia mato a este animal que podría haber vivido 20 años mas. Para que esto no pase mas deberían enseñar los derechos de los animales, debería haber algún tipo de castigo para la gente que no los respeta como lo merecen, debería ser un delito matarlos o lastimarlos igual que con los humanos porque no somos ni un poco superiores haciendo esto. Somos un nuevo enemigo para ellos como tiburones y orcas que lo hacen por necesidad. Hay que generar conciencia de esto y aprender de los errores, esto no puede seguir pasando porque cada vez que pasa hay una o mas víctimas que sufren.

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The poor dolphin was then left to die on the sand of dehydration after being passed around. And even then people took photos of it as it lay dying. You have to stop and think how a group of people can be completely oblivious to everything.

There are only about 30,000 of La Plata dolphins left, and these useless folks just ended the life of one.

Via The Daily Beast

This mob got what they deserved: Watch This Irish Boxer Take On An Angry Turkish Mob And Hold His Own