Demi Rose Will Help Us Heal

We all good on Josh Duggar posts? Cool. Anyway, you can’t go on social media today without seeing America debut her live, first-person shooter execution, because this is what we as a society have apathetically deemed is okay. Great job. And while the NRA is busy crafting their statement, probably right after they finish their office toast, that will say only guns in microphones could have prevented this tragedy instead of the hundreds of loopholes they’ve successfully lobbied for to allow these things to happen, here’s Demi Rose. Not sure what she can do about lowering the chances of you or someone you love being shot at any moment any time you leave your house, but apparently nothing will stop that. I mean, we’ll get a hashtag trending for a few days after you’re dead though. Or we might say your death was a hoax because we believe the government wants to take the gun that killed you away. Either or, you’ll be forgotten about by the next awards show. Have a great Wednesday, everyone!