Australian Open of Surfing 2014: Adrian Buchan Interview

Australian Open of Surfing 2014: Talking Water with Adrian Buchan

Surfers spend a lot of time in the ocean, but for Aussie surfer Adrian Buchan, the most important water is thr kind you can drink.  

Adrian has teamed up with Hurley and the Waves for Water initiative to help provide clean drinking water to thousands of people around the world who don't have access to clean drinking water.  

We had the chance to catch up with Adrian at the Australian Open of Surfing and find out more about what we can do to help.

We're in Sydney for the whole week so be sure to check out all of CraveOnline's coverage from the Hurley Australian Open of Surfing in Manly Beach.

Special Thanks to Destination New South Wales for bringing CraveOnline to the Australian Open of Surfing at Manly Beach in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.