
Sperm Counts Are Dropping And It’s Probably Because We’re Too Fat

Photo: Universal Television / Contributor (Getty) 

Recent data has shown that sperm counts analyzed between 2002 and 2017 have dramatically dropped in both quantity and quality, according to a new study. Researchers at fertility clinics in the U.S. and Spain made this discovery and referred to it as a “public health crisis.” The cause of this decline, researchers explained, is because people at large are fatter than ever.

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“We know obesity is on the rise, and it does affect sperm quality,” lead researcher Dr. Ashley Tiegs told Daily Mail. “It increases the risk of morbidity and mortality, but it can also affect offspring, too.”

The decline in sperm appears to be in direct correlation with the rise in men seeking in vitro fertilization during the same period. The number of male-related treatment has increased from 8,000 to 60,000 during this time, an increase that makes us want to skip lunch … and dinner.

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Tiegs added that plastics and smoking attributed to the decline, as well, so if you’re a fan of plastic cigarettes you’re drowning your swimmers.

Researchers plan to collect more data from larger groups in other countries in the hopes of combatting the global crisis. Sources close to common sense said we need to do better about the food we eat if we’re to save humanity.




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