"Wharariki Beach on New Zealand's south island, under a dark and stormy sky."

No One Knows What This Giant Creature That Washed Up On Beach Is

Photo: dan_prat (Getty)

I don’t know about you all, but I sure like stories about mysterious creatures washing up on the beach. It just reminds me that there may be some sort of other dimension that allows these creatures to slip on by, ala The Mist. But enough of my fantasy thoughts, it’s time to talk about the massive creature that Riley Lindhom and her husband John came across recently at Moore Park Beach, located on the central Queensland coast north of Bundaberg.

Photo: Facebook/Riley Lindholm

What the hell is that, folks?

“I’ve never seen a fish that big before, let alone one that big wash up on the beach,” John said. “It would have to be 150kg (330 lbs) – it was huge.”

While John assumed this giant thing was a groper, other people who saw the photos commented that it could be an unusually large triple tail.

Photo: Facebook/Riley Lindholm

The couple discovered the mysterious fish, who had no injuries, while they were walking along the beach halfway between the high and low tide mark.

Photo: Facebook/Riley Lindholm

No confirmation on what it is yet, but a spokesperson from the Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol (QBFP) consulted with experts at the Queensland Museum and they believe it may be a grouper, but “how the fish came to be washed up on the beach and its cause of death also could not be determined.”

In other words, this giant fish was dropped off by aliens.

h/t Daily Mail

Gross: Giant Creature Washes Up On Beach And It’s Baffling The Hell Out Of Locals