Florida Woman Busted Paying Teen For Sexual Encounters

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Florida strikes again.

Let’s all talk about 38-year-old Rebecca McGraw. And why are we talking about her? Well, it’s because she was busted not only having sex with a teenage boy, but also paying him for each sexual encounter. Yep.

According to a Port St. Lucie police spokesman, the teen was 15 at the time of the sexual encounter, and McGraw knew how old the boy was and still continued to perform sex acts on him “multiple times in 2016 and 2017.” While McGraw denies paying the teen for sex, she does admit giving him her debit card and her car keys. Although the teen says another story, as he admits that McGraw eventually began paying him $100 to $300 per sexual encounter.

Police were also able to discover text messages that McGraw sent the teen that revealed “very graphic and incriminating text messages.” The teen also had more to tell police, as he admits that McGraw would invite him over to her house and they would “hang out there frequently and smoke marijuana and drink alcohol.” Well this lady is a real piece of work. The teen also revealed 16 incidents of sex acts between McGraw and himself.

McGraw was of course arrested on five counts of sexual activity on a minor. McGraw is now worried what will happen to her two daughters, although she should have thought of that before she shacked up with someone who hasn’t even started shaving yet.

h/t TC Palm

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