Ohio Couple Pranks Family With Photo Of Vicious Murder, Gets Arrested

Photo: Facebook

Yep, people are complete and total idiots.

There are of course some horrible pranks that have been done. For example, take a look at this terrible prank done by these lame dudes to get “revenge” on some girl who rejected them. Or take a look at these other pranks that went horribly wrong. But those pranks have nothing on the prank below — a prank that was so damn idiotic and senseless that people actually got arrested. Let us explain.

Nataleigh Schlette and her fiancé Micah Risner thought it would be freaking funny as well hell to not only take a photo of Nataleigh lying in a bathtub with ketchup all over, pretending to be dead, but to send it to Micah’s sister, too. And as you can imagine, this prank went to shit pretty quickly.

Take a look at the brutally unfunny photo they sent.

Photo: Sandusky Police Department

“Please help me! I really didn’t mean to. I don’t remember. We was arguing and I woke up to this,” is what Micah texts his sister.” He also includes that photo. But don’t worry! It seems that Micah’s sister wanted to help her brother cover up his horrible crime.

Photo: Sandusky Police Department

Micah informs his sister he’s trying to clean his mess, and according to Micah’s sister, you have to make sure to get rid of the evidence!

Photo: Sandusky Police Department

Photo: Sandusky Police Department

The stupidity doesn’t end there.

Micah wanted to keep the “fun” going, so he shared his murder “confession” and apology to Facebook to try and prank more of his family and friends.

Photo: Sandusky Police Department

But guess what? It seems like Micah’s own mother called police, and cops came to the couple’s house looking for answers. After cops realized all was well the couple was arrested for “inducing panic.” You idiots.

“It did go a bit too far,” Risner admitted in a Facebook post. “My sense of humor is a little vulgar I admit that. But it’s who I am. I’m not out to hurt or make anyone panic.”

Yes, because saying you murdered someone isn’t going to cause panic, you brainless turd.

h/t Elite Daily

Now this is a good prank: Guy Loses His Freaking Mind After Wife Pranks Him By Telling Him She’s ‘Adopted’ A Coyote