There Is Now Ice Cream You Can Get Drunk Off Of

So we’ve learned that there is a sleepaway pizza camp for adults, just like we’ve also learned that there is beer for dogs. That’s right, dogs. But now? Now we are learning about another amazing thing: alcoholic ice cream. You read that right.

And who are the geniuses behind this idea? Americans of course.

The company, named Tipsy Scoop (amazing name), are promoting their “liquor-filled ice cream,” and they promise on their website that they “blend the magic of an artisanal, hand-crafted ice cream with the mastery of a perfectly mixed cocktail.” Translation: let’s all get drunk off a few scoops of this glorious ice cream.

Check out some of these awesome flavors they have thanks to the Tipsy Scoop Instagram:






(Pictures via Instagram)

Tipsy Scoop has locations all across the country, but they can also ship some to your home.

Now I know what I want on my birthday. To get even more drunk.

h/t The Hook Mag

Just make sure to learn how to say “beer” in different languages: Here’s How To Order A Beer In 16 Different Countries