Guy Tries To Sexually Assault Woman, Gets Ass Kicked By Victim Instead

Photo: Fox

Here’s a story that ends up with an attacker getting exactly what he deserved.

Jonathan Holmes, a 35-year-old creep, followed a young woman in Sheffield, U.K., for over a mile before attacking her and dragging her into some bushes. According to the victim, Holmes climbed on top of her, stuck his tongue in her mouth and said, “You’re going to enjoy this.”

The woman sensed she was being followed beforehand and was ready to defend herself — and boy did she ever. Just take a look at the mugshot below and see what she did to this dude’s face:

The young woman bite Holmes’ tongue, punched him numerous times in the stomach and used her keys to stab him in the neck. That was enough for this creep to run off, only to injure himself even more attempting to jump over a railing because karma wasn’t finished with him.

Holmes was arrested a few hours later and told police he didn’t remember the incident because he was drunk (or because he was ashamed that he’s a pervert who just got his ass beat).

“I believed without a doubt he was going to rape me. My life would have been over, he might as well have killed me right there,” the victim told a judge in court, where she had to face her attacker again.

“I was so terrified but so angry.”

Well, looks like she used all that anger and took it out on this guy’s face.

Holmes was jailed on a sexual assault charge and sentenced to four and a half years.

Via Mirror

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