Ryan Reynolds in ‘Buried’ | Exclusive Commentary Track

Ryan Reynolds is one of the most nebulous movie stars in the industry. Everybody knows his name, but most of his movies are only modest hits or modest failures, and most of his best movies have been independent films that completely flew under his audience’s radar. Case in point: Buried, a 2010 thriller that stars Ryan Reynolds, trapped underground in a coffin, and desperately trying to get somebody – anybody – on the phone to help him out. It’s the ultimate motion picture about being buried alive, and now it’s the latest B-Movies Podcast commentary track!

Film critics William Bibbiani and Witney Seibold are taking a listener request this week, and providing an all-new commentary for Buried, a film that doesn’t officially have one. Grab your copy of the film, or stream it online, and listen to the episode to find out how to synch up your picture. Then, sit back as Bibbs and Witney walk you through the history of experimental thrillers, the influence of Alfred Hitchcock, the pervasive political commentary of Buried and the ongoing career of Ryan Reynolds!

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Does Buried prove that Kafka was right? Find out by listening to The B-Movies Podcast Presents: Buried! Follow us on Twitter at @BMoviesPodcast, email us at bmoviespodcast@gmail.com with your thoughts, questions and suggestions, and please subscribe on iTunes for more exclusive movie news, reviews, interviews, commentary tracks and whatnot!

Photo: Lionsgate

William Bibbiani (everyone calls him ‘Bibbs’) is Crave’s film content editor and critic. You can hear him every week on The B-Movies Podcast and watch him on the weekly YouTube series Most Craved and What the Flick. Follow his rantings on Twitter at @WilliamBibbiani.


Previously on The B-Movies Podcast: