The Best (Err Worst) of Kanye 2021: 10 Memorable Moments That Made Him Mandatory Creep of the Year

Who knows what shenanigans lurk in 2022 for Kanye West. The rapper and cultural icon has such a reputation for bizarre and ego-driven behavior, he once scored 106 points in a charity basketball game by dunking on a team of toddlers in wheelchairs.

OK. So that rumor turned out to be false. But this list of memorable moments from 2021 is completely real. From a high-profile (and confusing) divorce to the release of his long-awaited Donda, West had a busier year than most. He also had a creepier year than most. Why? Find out below in our ten moments that made Ye the Mandatory Creep of the Year.

Cover Photo: Kevin Mazur (Getty Images)