Mandatory Staff Picks: Great Movies About Bad Dads (Including Shia LaBeouf’s ‘Honey Boy’)

If you think you had a bad dad, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Fathers in film are often far worse than the ones we’ve had to deal with in reality. Whether that manifests as a mob boss responsible for his daughter’s death, a dude mooching off his kid’s successful acting career, or a father who quits his job to stay home, lift weights, and smoke weed, onscreen dads can be truly deplorable. That doesn’t mean they don’t make for great entertainment, however; some of the best movies ever made feature fathers who don’t give AF. We’ve gathered them all together so you can have a bad dad-themed film fest and feel so much better about the man who raised you.

Cover Photo: Automatik

Fictional fathers: 10 Great Movie Dads We Wish Raised Us

Be afraid, be very afraid: 6 Things Nobody Tells You About Fatherhood

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