Jamie Foxx is Getting Sued

In a lawsuit filed yesterday in L.A. County Superior Court, William Presler claims he was severely injured at a 2007 party that was hosted by Foxx. The incident happened at Social in Hollywood where Presler was working the bar. The bar that was made completely out of ice. TMZ reports:

Presler claims drunk guests dropped their drinks around the bar and glass shattered everywhere. He claims he tried cleaning it up but was told to leave it be. Presler says the manager preferred kicking the glass along the side of the ice bar. At the end of the party, Presler says he slipped, fell and landed on the shattered glass, severely injuring himself. He needed 170 stitches to repair the damage to the severed nerves in his left hand. Presler says he obtained a neuroscience degree and was forced to abandoned his career to become a brain surgeon due to the damage in his left hand.

Jamie Foxx is a self-aggrandizing douchebag, but I’m not really sure what he has to do with this. I don’t know, maybe he did. Maybe he threw down a banana peel or hired Jerry’s cousin Muscles to push this dude down. Or I don’t know, maybe the guy should have realized he was walking on a fuckin sheet of ICE and shards of glass and been more careful. Like when I bury prostitutes.