Watch This Lunatic In Maryland Jump On The Front Of A Moving School Bus

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Your pills, bro.

According to ABC News, a batshit crazy 68-year-old man in Parkville jumped on the front of a moving school bus Thursday afternoon after the bus driver, concerned for his own safety as well as the safety of the children he was transporting, refused to open the door and let him on the bus.

The reason Leverne Doran was so pissed? Surprisingly, it wasn’t because his parents named him Leverne. No sir. It turns out Doran’s panties were in a bunch because a bottle was thrown at his vehicle by one of the kids on the bus.

Well, at least that’s what he said happened. We’ll let you be the judge if you would believe anything that comes out of this guy’s mouth:

The bus driver told police he was driving slowly toward a police precinct to get assistance, but thankfully, an off-duty officer was nearby and brought the situation to an end before he had to drive much further.

Doran was charged with disorderly conduct and destruction of property after being arrested “without incident,” but that must mean they’re not counting the incident where he jumped on the front of a moving bus like an insane person.

On second thought, I’ll take the train: Iowa Man Arrested After Masturbating On Megabus For Three Hours


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