This Bulldog Watches Horror Films And Warns Characters Of Danger

Photo: YouTube

Just like you find yourself yelling at the TV screen when a character in a movie decides to go down into the dark basement or out into the woods for some reason with a killer on the loose, this bulldog also tries her best to warn characters of the danger that is lurking.

The video below shows Khaleesi the bulldog quietly watching the 2013 horror film The Conjuring. And the amazing thing is that she actually looks like she’s watching the film. Khaleesi also apparently realizes when the characters are screwed because she barks to try and warn them. Now that’s a good dog.

Check out the great video below.

This Bulldog Watches Horror Films And Warns Characters Of Danger

Here’s how the the bulldog’s owner described it on YouTube:

“Khaleesi the bulldog loves watching horror movies and always tries to protect any potential victims from harm! She is especially vocal when children are in danger as seen in this clip.”

Well damn, too bad the kid in the movie couldn’t hear Khalessi and had to deal with those ghosts all on her own.

h/t UPI

Time to take a look at this: What People Do In Horror Movies VS. Real Life