Fan Tries To Punch Boxer In The Middle Of A Match

Where was security?

Hey, sometimes a boxer gets knocked out by an ice bucket after winning a match, and sometimes a crazed fan tries to take a swing at a boxer when the results aren’t going his way. Which is exactly what happened in the video below.

Undefeated boxers Joshua Pagan and Jose Resendiz were going at it at the Tony Rosa Community Center in Palm Bay, Florida, and things were pretty evenly matched until Resendiz had Pagan on the ropes late in the sixth and final round. Well, apparently there was a hardcore Pagan fan that didn’t like seeing his boxer get hit because this is what this fan did next.

Fan Tries To Punch Boxer In The Middle Of A Match

Now either this guy had way too much to drink, is best friends with Pagan, or he’s just insane, but he somehow got within arm’s reach of Resendiz. How in the hell does security let that happen? Oh, that’s right, it happened in Florida.

The final round had to be restarted because of this idiot’s actions, but Pagan did end up winning the match in a split decision, so maybe this fan had the right idea.

h/t COED

And here’s another boxer: Florida Man Tries To Steal Oxy, Gets Ass Kicked By Professional Boxer Instead


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