The Internet Is All Over A Woman Who Tried To Provoke An Uber Driver After He Dropped Her Off At The Hospital (NSFW Language)

Not this time, lady.

A woman who recently posted a video of her irate Uber driver on YouTube has learned the hard way that you should never cry wolf. The reason her driver was so pissed? You guessed it: She wouldn’t get out of his car after he brought her to her desired destination.

I mean, how hard is it? You requested to be dropped off at the hospital, he brings you to your desired destination and all you have to do now is get out of his vehicle because that’s what you do when you’re there.

The young lady allegedly posted the video online looking for sympathy as a “victim” of an awful Uber experience. Yeah, that didn’t happen:

There are literally hundreds more where these came from, but we’re pretty sure you get the gist of it by now.

h/t Daily Mail

Here’s another winner: Watch This Drunk Florida Woman Try To Hijack An Uber