South Carolina Man Returns Home To Find Two Snakes Hanging From His Ceiling

Most of us would have considered the moment we walked through our front door and found two snakes hanging from the ceiling a better time than any to call Bill Shatner for a great deal on a local hotel.

But not this hero.

Mark Hyatt said he returned to his Greenwood home Tuesday afternoon after work and found two snakes “squirming in all their glory” while hanging out of his attic door. But instead of running out the door and screaming like my ex-wife did every time she saw me naked, Hyatt grabbed a broom and his phone because he thought his dad would get a kick out of it. Take a look at the video below posted on Hyatt’s Facebook:

South Carolina Man Returns Home To Find Two Snakes Hanging From His Ceiling

Hyatt said he eventually got one of the snakes out of the house by creating a barricade that led it out the front door, but after it tried coming back in three more times, he said he had to grab it by the tail and throw it outside.

As for the other snake? You guessed it: It’s still somewhere in the house. So, yeah, about that Priceline hotel…

h/t The Huffington Post

Also part of our “no thanks” list: Deadly Redback Spider Liquefies And Drinks A Brown Snake