A Girl Found A Chicken Foot In Her Burrito Bowl At Chipotle

Odds are if word began spreading that there was a dude who looks like Hodor standing on the corner of Washington and Culver kicking every dude who walks by him in the balls, you’d find a different route for your morning walk to work.

Thankfully for Chipotle share owners, the same logic doesn’t apply to contaminated food and apparently whole chicken feet in burrito bowls.

That’s right, kids. According to BroBible, there are people who still consider Chipotle to be a viable dining option, and one of those morons was recently shocked when she made it three-fourths of the way through her burrito bowl and found a chicken foot at the bottom of it, claws and all:

Chipotle responded to “Rox” and asked her for details, and we’re assuming her reply was as simple as, “I went to Chipotle. There was a chicken foot in my burrito bowl. There should not be a chicken foot in my burrito bowl.”

Although if you’re still going to Chipotle and expecting an experience that doesn’t end with projectile shits or things like chicken feet in your grub, you might want to start by filing a complaint with yourself instead of the “restaurant” when something like this happens. Because at this point, it’s your fault.

Yeah, can I get my soft taco without human blood this time? The 10 Grossest Things People Found In Fast Food