Leather Sneakers More Suitable for the Office Than the Playground

Toss those beat up canvas Vans. Burn the Chuck Taylors that look like they’re straight from your 8th grade gym locker. Your favorite sneakers have just gotten a serious upgrade. Brands have found the most straight forward way to take a $55 pair of cotton shoes and make them cost upwards of one hundred: upgrade the materials.

Styles you’ve come to appreciate and adorn on your feet, even when it’s not appropriate (Toms at a wedding? Only in California), now look like they’re ready for prime time. Iterations featured here come from a variety of labels. The Paul Smith Men’s Navy ‘Doppio’ Trainers are a super sleek pair of kicks, with a steep price tag, but they look like they’re worth it. Meanwhile the Toms Quilted Full Grain Leather Valdez is a pair of shoes we never thought we’d see come out of the hippie, albeit do-good-for-the-world brand. 

What’s super easy about all these sneakers is this: upgrade your accessories, and you upgrade your whole look. Pair any of these with the worn-in, unwashed raw denim already in your closet and a good white tee, and you’re  ready for any public-facing occasion. 


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