Animal Rights Group Holds Funeral for a Chicken in a Supermarket

Even though I love the taste of meat so therefore could never imagine giving it up (and yes, I have tried to go vegetarian before and have tried the most popular meat substitutes, and no, they do not taste “exactly like meat”), I do respect many vegetarians’ ability to cut meat out of their diet due to principle alone (you vegetarians who don’t like the taste of meat anyway aren’t included).

However, this particular batch of vegetarians/animal rights activists seem like the most insufferably smug group of people you could ever have the displeasure of meeting. Called ‘Direct Action Everywhere,’ this “extreme animal rights group” (I don’t know what’s so extreme about them – do they eat vegetarian sausages whilst sky-diving or something?) held a funeral for a frozen chicken in Berkeley, and the results are both unintentionally hilarious and entirely pointless. 

If the DAE’s intentions were to make themselves seem like a bunch of people you’d never ever want to bump into in the street, then mission accomplished.