New Study Says People Who Smoke Weed Have More Sex Than Other Folks

Photo: 123ducu (Getty)

We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again: there is a study for everything these days. So while there are studies that say binge-watching is slowly killing us, and studies that show at what age guys are the most boring, the study below is a tad more positive for you all.

A new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine says that people who enjoy smoking weed on a regular basis are more horny than those that don’t. In other words, all you potheads are probably getting it on more.

New Study Says People Who Smoke Weed Have More Sex Than Other Folks

“Usually, people assume the more frequently you smoke, the worse it could be when it came to sex, but in fact, we learned the opposite was true,” study author Dr. Michael Eisenberg, assistant professor of urology at Stanford University School of Medicine, said.


In the study, Eisenberg and his team looked at data from the U.S. government’s National Survey of Family Growth, where over 28,000 women and 23,000 men reported how often they had sex in the four weeks leading up to the survey, and how often they get high.

The women in the survey who don’t smoke weed said they had sex an average of six times in the four weeks leading up to the survey, but those who do get high on a daily basis reported having sex an average of 7.1 times. A small but mighty difference, my friends.

Likewise, men who don’t fuck with weed had sex 5.6 times in the four weeks, whereas dudes who get high daily said they had sex 6.9 times.

“We were surprised to see the positive association between users,” Eisenberg added. “This was across the board: marital status, race, none of that mattered.”

So what does this tell you? That you should smoke more pot obviously. Or just find someone that can put up with you and be OK with seeing you naked once in a while.

If only: This Study Finds That Women Are Happier Being With Less Attractive Men


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