Remember The Time It Started Raining Spiders In Brazil?

If your answer is “yes,” how traumatized are you still over this? If your answer is “no,” are you ready to be traumatized?

Let’s all agree to stay way from the town of Paraná, Brazi, because that’s where this bizarre occurrence happened that involved a massive web of eight-legged creatures just hanging over the town, as people stared up in awe (or fear, most likely). Check out the video below that has reeled in close to two million views.

Ever since that horror show researchers have identified the bugs as the Anelosimus eximius species – a social spider known for its massive colonies and “sheet webs”. And all I can conclude from that is those are some spiders that will haunt me forever.

This massive, gross webs can reach of up to 25ft and 5ft wide, and can contain as many as 50,000 individual spiders. What the hell?

No word yet on what has happened to the person that filmed this but my guess is that he was murdered by these things. That’s my best guess.

h/t Daily Star

You need to chill out, Brazil: Watch This Brazilian Man Grab A Giant Spider Off The Wall With His Barehands