Texas Students Go Through With Their ‘Cocks Not Glocks’ Campaign

Careful with those cocks, though. They’ll shoot as well if you hold them too correctly.

According to Yahoo! News, a group of genius students at the University of Texas fulfilled their promise of a “Cocks Not Glocks” campaign after the state passed a law making it legal to carry concealed handguns in the classroom.

And here’s what that looked like:

Openly displaying sex toys is technically illegal because of local indecency laws, but Jessica Lin probably put it best when she told reporters that she and other students were doing it to “fight absurdity with absurdity.”

“Texas has decided it is not at all obnoxious or illegal to allow deadly concealed weapons on campus,” Jin said. “But walking around with a dildo could land you in trouble.”

On the day when many students returned to school in Austin, the “Cocks Not Glocks” campaign distributed hundreds of sex toys to get their point across. Let’s hope they also got the message out that they should wash them first before using them.

Traffic makes me horny, baby: Woman Too Busy Using Sex Toy In Traffic Crashes Into Van