Guy Shares Sister’s ‘Hook Up’ List On Facebook After She Gets Him In Trouble

Photo: dottyjo (Getty)

A little sibling rivalry doesn’t usually hurt anyone, but things sure have changed since my sister and I were young. Eating the last Oreo was considered harsh revenge when I was growing up, but siblings are now absolutely demolishing one another. Just take what this dude did to his sister as revenge.

The fiasco kicked off when a girl named Katie got her brother Chris in trouble by ratting him out to their parents about him having beer. That resulted in him being grounded for three months. So Chris set out to get even by stealing a page out of Katie’s diary and sharing it on Facebook — a page titled “My hook up list.”

And oh, he tagged all of the guys listed. Take a look at it below thanks to Reddit:

Guy Shares Sister’s ‘Hook Up’ List On Facebook After She Gets Him In Trouble

Holy hell. Well as you can tell Katie sure does enjoy experimenting. And hey, she even gives herself a deadline to do sexual things with all these dudes. And oh, apparently there’s a dude out there named Brian who will get some mouth-loving if he cuts his hair.

Something tells me that’s the end of this sibling bond.

And then there’s this: Girl Gets Revenge On Dorm Food Thief In The Most Disgusting Way Possible