Teenager Kept Awake For A Week To Prevent Parasite From Eating Eye

Last night I slept six hours and woke up wanting to kill everyone in sight, but six hours of sleep is a tad better than not sleeping for a week. This is what happened to a teenager in England who was kept awake for a week after a parasite was found in her eye.

Jessica Greaney, above looking normal, thought she had an eye infection when she noticed she had a swollen eye, but after a visit to the eye doctor Greaney discovered she had an Acanthamoeba Keratitis parasite, a parasite that can cause blindness. Below is a picture of the parasite running havoc on Greaney’s eye.

Greaney got the parasite after letting tap water get on her contacts, so let’s give it up for glasses. I’m pretty sure I begin to sob when I get an eyelash in my eye, so I can’t say what I would do with something trying to eat my eyeball. Greaney’s eye swelled up to the size of a golf ball as made evident by the picture below.

According to Greaney, she had to put eye drops every ten minutes, thus killing any chance for a proper sleep:

“I wasn’t allowed to sleep properly for nearly a week. A method not dissimilar from Chinese water torture; being awake for so many hours led to me watching a shit load of films with my one good eye, including 50 shades of Grey.

I had to close the laptop every time the nurse came in an attempt to prevent her from thinking I was watching some kind of weird porn from my hospital bed.”

Sweet Jessica was more concerned with what the nurse would think of her choice of movie than of her zombie eye.

After a week of medication and no sleep, Greaney’s eye started getting back to normal. The picture above shows Greaney after recovering. Greaney is still currently taking eye drops to keep the parasite away. So clingy, I swear.

Via Gawker