Rob Kardashian Got Botox. He’s 25.

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Just grow a vagina already. Radar Online reports:

Rob Kardashian has taken the advice of his older sister Kim: If he’s unhappy about his looks, there’s a plastic surgeon right around the corner. “Rob was complaining about his face drooping and that he’s starting to look old,” an insider the National Enquirer. “Kim told him to stop whining and put his money where his mouth is. “She turned him on to her trusted plastic surgeon and convinced him to go for a Botox treatment. Rob was all for it and made an appointment right away.” The insider said that following the procedure, Rob “walked out of the Beverly Hills office feeling like a new man and more confident than ever”.

Yes, because nothing says “feeling like a new man and more confident than ever” like a Botox appointment that your older sister made for you. Maybe if this douche stopped breastfeeding and moved out of his sister’s guest bedroom, he might actually feel like an actual man. Hopefully after his appointment he went to buy some candles and posted some recipes on Pinterest to fully drive the point home that his balls are probably bedazzled.