Justin Timberlake And Jessica Biel Are Getting Married This Week

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It’s okay, women on Twitter. I’m sure you were Justin’s second choice. And like you said, it probably won’t last a year and he’ll call you then, right? I meant, hahaha go get another sweater for your chihuahua . Us Magazine reports:

Following a ten-month engagement — and nixed plans for a bash in Northern California — Justin Timberlake will wed girlfriend of five years Jessica Biel in southern Italy this week, multiple sources confirm in the new Us Weekly. “They are ready to get married,” an insider says of the intimate, rustic ceremony to be attended only by close friends and family. With the bride and groom’s team taking “extra precautions” to keep the location top-secret, celebrations kicked off on Tuesday, Oct. 16.

Even though marriage is archaic and stupid and initially started as a transaction so the man could list a woman as his property before Christian’s co-opted the idea, I really don’t have anything bad to say about two seemingly cool people getting married, so congratulations I guess. May they be fruitful and Romney/Duggar the Earth.