This is a Size 2

Apparently upset that everybody is pointing out the fact that her sister is a fat ass, Ashlee Simpson took to her MySpace blog to defend her sister’s weight. Indenialsayswhat:

Since when did a woman’s weight become newsworthy…

I am completely disgusted by the headlines concerning my sister’s weight. A week after the inauguration and with such a feeling of hope in the air for our country, I find it completely embarrassing and belittling to all women to read about a woman’s weight or figure as a headline on Fox News. All women come in different shapes, sizes, and forms and just because you’re a celebrity, there shouldn’t be a different standard. Is this something you would say to your wife, daughter, mother, grandmother, or even a friend? I seriously doubt it. How can we expect teenage girls to love and respect themselves in an environment where we criticize a size 2 figure? Now can we focus on the things that really matter.


I’m not sure what the inauguration has to do with your sister having the caloric intake of a grizzly bear, but whatever. You’re right, though. I wouldn’t say this to my wife, daughter, mother, or grandmother. Mostly because I respect them. And for the simple fact that they aren’t talentless attention whores who made millions by getting in a bikini and tricking the world into believing they were sex symbols. Your sister’s fat now. Get over it. Oh and by the way, I’m not trying to embarrass and belittle all women, just your sister. So, instead of preaching to me about love and acceptance, how about letting Jessica know not to bother becoming a fan of Twinkies on Facebook. It would be kind of redundant at this point.