Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo Dry Hump in Public

Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo went on a date last week, and according reports, they basically had sex on a couch. Us Weekly says:

They were all over each other on the couch, making out,” a Simpson source tells Us Weekly in its new issue, on newsstands now. “They were on top of each other! It was a little bit much for a public place,” the witness adds. “He was holding her close and she wasn’t paying attention to anyone else.” The source adds that Simpson, 27, is “crazy” about her man, also 27, “and gushes about how sweet he is.”

Um, is Tony Romo trying to get married so he can become an American citizen or something? His real name is Antonio Ramiro Romo, so if he is, then that would really go a long way to explain why he’s willingly seen in public making out with Jessica Simpson. If not, then that means he just likes having sex with Jessica Simpson. That can’t be good. I hear that people who want to have sex with Jessica Simpson are usually keeping a secret from their parents.